Saturday, 7 June 2014

Dear diary........

Hello my lovelies,

Just a quick update. What a week I've had! This week has been good and bad in equal amounts and it's been a roller coaster of emotions. 

It all started last Saturday when my brother in law was rushed back in to hospital. If you're new to my blog you may my know that he is terminally ill with cancer. He has an aggressive form of multiple myeloma. He was diagnosed two years ago and since then has had countless forms of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. Unfortunately he is still very susceptible to infection and he caught an infection which hospitalised him last weekend.  Because of this I was unfortunately unable to attend the Mids Blog Meet up in Birmingham. Hopefully there will be another soon and I will most certainly be there. 

Monday was my first day back at work after a weeks holiday. I've been unhappy for a while there and decided to move on and resign. I do have an opportunity to work for a competitor but that won't be happening until July time. So Monday morning I went into the office early, took a few deep breaths and handed in my resignation. As I expected, they have put me on garden leave for the rest of my notice. This makes me sad really as I am unable to speak to colleagues who are actually friends away from work. But rules are rules I suppose. I do feel relief that it's all over now though and I'm very excited about the future. 

This week has been quiet for me. I miss my friends who I'm not permitted to talk to for the next couple of weeks. Seems mad really that an employer can have this hold over your social life too. But I don't want to get any of my friends in trouble as they still work there and I'd be breaking my contract too. 

Onwards and upwards and I'm putting my spare time to good use. I needed motivation to get back to my blogging and now I have plenty of time to catch up on posts. I'm currently "stock piling" to get ahead of myself and I'm committing to posting twice a week from this week.

Thanks to all of my twitter friends who are always there to make me smile. I love to interact with you all. If you're not following me on twitter my tag name is @catmazdo. 

Thank you to everyone for reading and sticking with me. It is very much appreciated. 

Speak to you all soon xxxx

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